
[受付期間] 2024年6月15日(土)12:00 ~ 2024年6月23日(日)23:59 ※抽選
[入金期間] 2024年6月26日(水)12:00 ~ 2024年7月1日(月)23:00

A公演:~ねえ 君を好きになってから 15-19~
B公演:~まだ 君の知らない秘密 20-24~

2024年8月4日(日) [神奈川]YOKOHAMA Bay Hall
[1部]開場13:30/開演14:00 ※A公演
[2部]開場16:30/開演17:00 ※B公演

2024年8月11日(日) [広島]SIX ONE Live STAR
[1部]開場13:00/開演13:30 ※A公演
[2部]開場16:00/開演16:30 ※B公演

2024年8月12日(月祝) [福岡]BEAT STATION
[1部]開場13:00/開演13:30 ※A公演
[2部]開場16:00/開演16:30 ※B公演

2024年8月17日(土) [大阪]Banana Hall
[1部]開場13:30/開演14:00 ※B公演
[2部]開場16:30/開演17:00 ※A公演

2024年8月18日(日) [愛知]SPADE BOX
[1部]開場13:30/開演14:00 ※A公演
[2部]開場16:30/開演17:00 ※B公演

2024年8月31日(土) [埼玉]HEAVEN’S ROCKさいたま新都心
[1部]開場13:30/開演14:00 ※B公演
[2部]開場16:30/開演17:00 ※A公演

2024年9月1日(日) [宮城]仙台darwin
[1部]開場13:00/開演13:30 ※A公演
[2部]開場16:00/開演16:30 ※B公演

2024年9月16日(月祝) [北海道]札幌PLANT
[1部]開場13:30/開演14:00 ※A公演
[2部]開場16:30/開演17:00 ※B公演

2024年9月22日(日) [山梨]甲府CONVICTION 
[1部]開場13:30/開演14:00 ※B公演
[2部]開場16:30/開演17:00 ※A公演

2024年9月29日(日) [東京]神田スクエアホール 
[1部]開場13:30/開演14:00 ※A公演
[2部]開場16:30/開演17:00 ※B公演
スタンディング 6,000円 (税込)


<<Events where bonus tickets can be used>>
・ WASUTA release event
・ WASUTA special event
・ WASUTA live show (if available, you will be notified in advance)
<Bonus ticket expiration date>
August 19, 2024 - August 19, 2025
・Once you have collected the specified number of stamps on your stamp card, you will be given a bonus ticket at the venue.
・One stamp will be given per venue at the venue.
・Stamp rally cards will be distributed at all venues except for the Tokyo performance on September 29th.
・Stamp rally cards are not transferable.
・Even if you attend both sessions at the same venue, you will only receive one stamp.

[Special offer Waship (FC members)]
Waship members can purchase tickets for any show of their choice once per account across all shows. [Farewell High Five event after the show] You can participate!!
You still have time to join, so don't miss this opportunity!

*Even if you win a ticket, if it has expired, you will not be able to participate in the [farewell High Five event after the show], so don't forget to renew your ticket!
*Details will be announced at a later date.

Official Fan Club Waship
New members can join here!

■Notes about the live performance
* Fee required for ages 3 and over, no admission for children under 3
*One application is required per person. (*Children aged 3 and over will need a ticket.)
*Excessive jumping and any other behavior that may cause inconvenience to other customers is strictly prohibited.
*Bringing alcoholic beverages or entering the venue while under the influence of alcohol is prohibited. If staff determines that you are under the influence of alcohol, you will be refused entry. Furthermore, if you are found to be under the influence of alcohol within the venue, you will be asked to leave immediately.
*The use of recording devices such as cameras and voice recorders is strictly prohibited. Recording is only permitted with mobile phones and smartphones.
*Ticket transfer and resale are prohibited. If we discover any fraudulent ticket purchases or admission, or any attempt to resell tickets to other customers within the venue, you will be asked to leave immediately on the spot.
If you witness any such behaviour, please inform a nearby attendant or organiser staff member.
*The opening and starting times of the venue may be subject to change. We will update you on the official website from time to time, so please check the Wasuta official website WASUTA details.

■Contact us
[Yokohama, Saitama, Yamanashi, Tokyo performances] Kyodo Tokyo 0570-550-799 (Weekdays 11:00-18:00 / Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 10:00-18:00)
[Hiroshima Performance] Candy Promotion 082-249-8334 (Monday to Friday 11:00 to 17:00 / Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
[Fukuoka Performance] Kyodo Nishi Nippon 0570-09-2424 (Weekdays and Saturdays: 11:00-15:00)
[Osaka Performance] Kyodo Information 0570-200-888 (Weekdays and Saturdays 11:00-18:00)
[Aichi Performance] Sunday Folk Promotion 052-320-9100 (12:00-18:00)
[Miyagi Performance] GIP Inquiry Form
[Hokkaido Performance] WESS