SCHEDULE 2025.01.23[Thu] ABCラジオ Tweet わーすたのにゃんだふるラジオ!(小玉・三品) 放送スタート:22時00分ごろ~ 視聴はこちらから 【出演メンバー】 小玉梨々華・三品瑠香 お便り BACK LATEST SCHEDULE LIVE / EVENT / MEDIA 2025.04.13 [Sun] 10th Anniversary LIVE "The World Standard ~We'll be loved for the 10th anniversary too!~"Two-shot photo session 2025.03.30 [Sun] WASUTA 10th Anniversary Photo Album "KAWAII WORLD"Handover event 2025.03.29 [Sat] WASUTA 10th Anniversary LIVE "The World Standard ~We'll be loved for the 10th anniversary too!~"